Luhua News

Iceruby Krill Oil Got Halal Certification
IcerubyTM krill oil of Luhua Biomarine got Halal certification from Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) and strictly adheres to MS1500:2009.
Halal certification indicates krill oil of Luhua Biomarine complies with Sharia. All process involving raw material, manufacturing, storage and transportation pass review. That krill oil is allowed for Muslims will enrich the Muslim diets, and also enhance marketing competitiveness.
Luhua Biomarine (Shandong) Co., Ltd, a state-owned enterprise, is a professional krill oil manufacturer in China. As a member of GOED, Luhua Biomarine offers krill oil extracted with multiple extraction technology and IcerubyTM krill oil is additive-free, impurity-free and easier to encapsulate.
Halal certification indicates krill oil of Luhua Biomarine complies with Sharia. All process involving raw material, manufacturing, storage and transportation pass review. That krill oil is allowed for Muslims will enrich the Muslim diets, and also enhance marketing competitiveness.
Luhua Biomarine (Shandong) Co., Ltd, a state-owned enterprise, is a professional krill oil manufacturer in China. As a member of GOED, Luhua Biomarine offers krill oil extracted with multiple extraction technology and IcerubyTM krill oil is additive-free, impurity-free and easier to encapsulate.